Web design and Social media
Art Director, Designer
Panasonic Corporation is a worldwide leader in the development of diverse electronics technologies and solutions. In 2018 they were about to release a new heat pump model especially designed for the scandinavian climate. Panasonic wanted a campaign where households from Sweden, Norway and Denmark could compete to win the product. One for each country. The campaign was launched in all three languages.
The product are very energy efficient compared to other heat sources. A consumer can save up to 100 00 SEK in eight years by swithing to this product. The focus of the campaign was that you can save money and that the pump is highly effective in up to +40C° and down to -35C°.
The competition
We wanted the users to learn as much about the product as possible without having to read a "wall of text". I took the nine most important selling points and added green "pulsating" dots around the product. When a user hovered or tapped a dot - a lightbox with a text appeared.
To find the answer to Panasonics question and compete, the user had to search amoung the dots and read them through. The competitior also hade go give a motivation what he/she would do with the money they would save.
How much can YOU save?
With the calculator the houseowner could fill in information such as square meter of the home, what year it's built and current source of heat to see how much (circa) he/she could save on winning or buying the product.
The calculator was not a part of the competition but more like a tool one could use to make it easier to see if this product would fit the home. It was also possible to share the result with a familymember or friend along with a personal message.
Social media
Three ad posts for the campaign were made. The beginning of each ad was the same for all: the product with a golden splash that says "save 100 000 kr". The endings were however different for each ad (and the caption text). The theme of the endings was about what you can use the money you save for. In our examples: "the dream journey", "new things/stuff" and "for renovations". It was later on measured to see which advert generated most clicks.
Auto-switch of header image
Depending on which facebook/insta advert the user entered the site from, the header background and text on the site switched. The same film and message was displayed in the top to create recognition.
The hero slider
In the hero there were two buttons with autoscroll that automatically scrolled the user directly down to either the competition och the calculator. By clicking either the meny options ("Om Tävlingen", "Lansering", "om att spara") or using the arrows on the sides, the user could get more information already in the top.
Forms and email + leads
For Panasonic it was important with good leads. People that not only want to win the product but are also interested i buying it (if not winning).
To make people understand that they can get in touch with a reseller for a homevisit (for free!) we added "get contacted by us" CTAs both in the answer-forms and in the two following emails 1. "thank you for participating" (sent directly after the user patricipates in the competition) and 2. "The winner is" (when the winner is later announced).
Dynamic email modules
If the user checks the "contact me" informaton in the form, a module with the message "we will get in touch with you shortly" will be generated in the trigger mail. If the user doesn't check the box a module that says "do you know you can get a home-consultation for free?" will be generated.
The result
The campaign resulted in total 18 517 answers with lots of funny, serious and crazy motivations. One winner for each country was announced. This year (2019) the competition will be back again with a slightly new theme but with the same product.